The Big Band from Big Data of the Cosmic Microwave Background

“The B3DCMB project will infuse data analysis of CMB data sets with novel techniques motivated by the cutting edge research in high performance scientific computing and appropriate for the most promising statistical approaches, which we will select not only on the basis of their statistical merit but also considering whether they permit efficient computational solutions and implementations appropriate for novel architectures of current and anticipated the largest massively parallel supercomputers.”

From the B3DCMB website

My job in this project was to design a new fully algebraic 2-level preconditionner for a high dimension linear solver. It uses great knowledge of linear solvers, Krylov spaces, PDE solvers, preconditionning techniques, eigen solvers to create an inspired from Domain Decomposition Methods (DDM) 2-level preconditionner that is highly parallelized. You can find more details in the slides provided through the link at the top of page.

Thibault Cimic
Thibault Cimic
Research engineer

My job consist of getting maths ideas into computers. My philosophy is to learn any knowledge I cross, anywhere.